

Romance from Hell
Female villans comic characters that kick ass
Female villans comic characters that kick ass

 Hey this ish a list of some awesome female comic characters they arn't all villans I just said that they were.....
Scarlet Witch.... she isn't a villan any more in fact shes a good person most nightcrawler fangirls hate her because well she and he in this parelle universe and their blue daughter....

Harley Quinn... She's great and hallarious! And her and the Joker are a great insane couple.... but she's at of her hallarity with Ivy. (yes that is an eairly skech)
Dark Phoenix... I don't like Jean Grey but dark phoenix was spiffy.... and she was a villan instead of a good little girl.
Wolfsbane... Well she's a really modest irish girl (except now if you read new x men you know she isn't as modest...) but she turns in to a wolf so thats cool...
Catwoman... started out as a petty theif now a big name for female comic villans thou now that she has a big name for being a  villan she's one of the good guys.... oh well....
this page will be update a little every time I update...